Andrew was diagnosed with Erythroid (M6) Acute Myeloid Leukemia on November 4th, 2010 when he was almost 5 months old. Andrew is currently in remission from his cancer, after finishing his 5 rounds of chemotherapy. He is a healthy, happy toddler.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Today Andrew had a CT scan to check for invasive fungus in his lungs and/or sinuses as well as any abcesses that may be causing his symptoms. Before the scan seemed like a usual day in here, but after the scan, Andrew got quite a bit of energy and played with some toys for a while. The great news is that he has and ANC (absolute neutrophil count) of 200!!! The neupogen is definitely doing its job. The platelet bolus he got on Saturday bumped his platelets from 18,000 to 140,000, and they are still high. Hematocrit is still reasonable. The only thing that's still not great are his fevers and continued difficulty breathing. Both seem to be slowly (very slowly) improving.

Andrew had his NJ (naso-jejunum) tube placed. Actually, it should probably be called an ND tube (naso-duodenum) because that's actually where it ended up. They didn't want to do a nasogastric tube. He gets medicine and milk through it. This means that he doesn't have to have a lot of meds through i.v. like Tylenol, and ondansetron.

We were able to see the CT scans. The results were negative for anything bad. The neat thing was that we were able to see where Andrew's cancer was under his eye and compare it to the CT scan done back in October. The bone that was missing from the original tumor before now has filled in. His cheek bones and eye sockets aren't perfectly symmetrical but at least there is bone there!


  1. Andrew is such a beautiful boy--I am praying for other great strides and improvements! Love to you three! (from Deanna :)

  2. Thanks so very much for sharing how he is doing. We so pray for continued improvement. He is such a trooper--and you and Stew too! Love you all so, so very much!
