Andrew was diagnosed with Erythroid (M6) Acute Myeloid Leukemia on November 4th, 2010 when he was almost 5 months old. Andrew is currently in remission from his cancer, after finishing his 5 rounds of chemotherapy. He is a healthy, happy toddler.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rally For Tanner

It was Tanner's time to leave this earth today. I'm heartbroken for his family, especially his sweet mother. I looked outside this morning, and it just looked like bleah. I was so bummed that he would have to leave on such a cruddy-looking day:

Soon enough, though, the clouds parted. It was gorgeous. What a fitting tribute to him.

He and his parents have had so much courage these last few months. I cannot even begin to fathom the anxiety and hardship they have endured, but they have endured it so well. They have met their trials with the determination to be faithful. It would be so hard to say goodbye, but they must be so proud of him. I sure am. He was worthy to serve a mission for the Lord here, and he'll be worthy there. How excited he must be to be freed from his cancer and be able to serve the Lord on the other side.

Thank you for your prayers for him and his family. Please continue to pray that they'll feel strength and peace in the coming weeks and months. They have been such dear friends to us, helping us to have courage and keep moving on.


  1. Après la pluie, le beau temps!

  2. on the morning Kristen left, it was such a horrible day for me but I couldn't help but think what a glorious day it was for her. Some say that our house was actually glowing. I felt as though the heavens were open that morning. As I look at the pictures above, I can't help but think that the heavens were again open today as Tanner was taken back home to that same God who gave him life.

  3. Thanks for letting us know. He was such an amazing kid.
