Andrew was diagnosed with Erythroid (M6) Acute Myeloid Leukemia on November 4th, 2010 when he was almost 5 months old. Andrew is currently in remission from his cancer, after finishing his 5 rounds of chemotherapy. He is a healthy, happy toddler.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rough day

We I want to end with good news, so here is why the day has been rough. Andrew has been throwing up a lot of the day and still has a bad fever. Sometime this morning his Oxygen levels started to drop dramatically. This happens sometimes when he is on certain pain medications and is asleep. While sleeping dilaudid will make his Oxygen % drops to about 87 (from 100). Today it was dropping to the about 75 while he was awake. Sometime this afternoon he started screaming and was absolutely unconsolable. The doctor listened to his lungs and they sound clear. Anyway, we are trying more pain killer and also trying to keep a nasal cannula in his nose to keep his oxygen up. Andrew really needs your prayers right now.

Now the good news. Andrew's bacteria is Streptococcus viridans, which apparently isn't known for causing biofilms on central lines (I have yet to see data which reflects this). Also, his blood cultures from yesterday hadn't shown any bacterial growth as of this morning. They may still show growth later, but as of right now we think that the his blood infection is getting under control. Also while he was screaming today we noticed that he has two new teeth on top, which might have been a contributing factor to his pain the other day.


  1. Dear Lizzie and Stew, I was alerted by Julia relaying a message from Cynthia that Andrew was having a rough day. I am thankful for your post tonight that things seem a little better, but I can only imagine the emotional and spiritual upheaval such days cause. You continue in our prayers. How thankful I am for the priesthood, for prayer and for faith! I know, from reading so many posts in this blog, that your faith in the Lord is what you both are relying on. Much love, Anita

  2. Oh, these days of high fevers are so hard, and it is so draining to have a screaming sick child and be stuck in a tiny room. I sure hope he gets over this quickly. The teething is tough, but I was thinking how nice it might be that he is on such strong pain killers while teething. Sometimes Erin would get a fever a few days before her ANC would start coming up. It seemed like her body producing white blood cells would make her fever. You guys are really close to the finish! Hang in there! If all goes well, we might try to stop by on Thursday after our clinic appointment.

  3. I am so sorry yesterday was rough! It's got to be so hard for him to be fevered and in so much pain. We will continue to pray for you all! It was so good to see you and Andrew last week. You and Stew truly are amazing parents. Like Anita said, your strong faith continues to be a great source of strength to you and those around you.
