Andrew was diagnosed with Erythroid (M6) Acute Myeloid Leukemia on November 4th, 2010 when he was almost 5 months old. Andrew is currently in remission from his cancer, after finishing his 5 rounds of chemotherapy. He is a healthy, happy toddler.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


It's been a while since we uploaded photos, so here goes nothing:

Playing with Andrew at home

We have a really cute video that we might post later. We leave the man pantsed because it's just so much easier to change his diaper every 2 hours without having to deal with pants.

Andrew got these bright red rosy cheeks from the cytarabine. They're here to stay for a while, it seems.

Manny giving the last L-asparaginase shot. Last chemo ever!

Until Thursday, he was super happy and energetic

I know Stew likes D pod, but I like the view from here.


  1. Oh, We love Nurse Manny, he is so good at his job! I love the pictures and I hope Andrew gets to ring the bell really SOON!!!!!

  2. He is about the cutest thing ever. Want to see you guys again. Hope all is well.
