Andrew was diagnosed with Erythroid (M6) Acute Myeloid Leukemia on November 4th, 2010 when he was almost 5 months old. Andrew is currently in remission from his cancer, after finishing his 5 rounds of chemotherapy. He is a healthy, happy toddler.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Home Sweet ICS

Andrew keeps getting better and better. His ANC was 3500 today with a white count of 5.3 (I think)!!!!! This is amazing news. His platelets are coming up, and his hematocrit is stable at 30. They starting weaning him off the oxygen about 2 days ago, bit by bit, going down a liter of oxygen/hr every 4-8 hours or so. He is back on room air for the most part (which is 21% oxygen), except when he sleeps. We are waiting for a room to open up in the ICS to finish out the last little bit of monitoring. Hopefully, early next week, we will head home for good!!!


  1. Best news! Our prayers will continue as he continues to improve.

  2. YAHOO! So glad you have encouraging news. What a trooper!

  3. I'm so happy for you! I hope you have a restful weekend and bolt out of there forever first thing next week.
