Andrew was diagnosed with Erythroid (M6) Acute Myeloid Leukemia on November 4th, 2010 when he was almost 5 months old. Andrew is currently in remission from his cancer, after finishing his 5 rounds of chemotherapy. He is a healthy, happy toddler.

Monday, June 6, 2011

A funny thing happened on the way from Walmart...

So one of our really good friends stopped by the Walmart in Salt Lake on 5300 South. Andrew's pictures were everywhere, and she saw one lady by a picture of Andrew. Their conversation went something like this:

"I know this baby" the lady says
"Oh really?"
"Yes. Sad story, very sad story"
"When he was born, only 1 pound. One pound, can you believe it?"
"That's hard to believe. Really?"
"Yes, only one pound. But now he's healthy and home now"
"Huh, okay."

We just had to laugh. Whatever works for people, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew!
    My name is Jenna and I came across your site. U are a courageous, strong and determined fighter. U are a brave warrior, smilen champ, inspirational hero, super trooper and a tough cookie. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and i love it when people sign my guestbook.
